Our services for the next couple of weeks are detailed below.
We have an extensive and varied regular schedule of services across the benefice as shown in the table.
Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity
Erlestoke Harvest Celebration
11.00 Benefice Service - Harvest Celebration, Erlestoke Church
18.00 Deanery Choral Evensong, Edington Priory Church
Sunday 29th September, 6pm
Edington Priory Church
Singers meet at 4pm to rehearse.
Service at 6pm, followed by refreshments.
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis - E J Moeran
Preces and Responses - John Sanders
Ye holy Angels bright - C.V. Stanford
Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity
08.00 Holy Communion, Bratton Church
09.30 Parish Communion, Edington Priory Church
11.00 Harvest Festival, Bratton Church
11.00 Harvest Festival, Coulston Church
18.30 Evensong, Edington Priory Church
Sunday 6.00pm - Informal Prayers, Bratton Church
Informal prayers lasting no more than 30 minutes.
Drop in and join us!
The table below shows our regular pattern of services each month.
Please check this month's service schedule and the benefice calendar for any changes to this pattern.
08:00 Holy Communion P
11:00 Family Service
09:30 Parish Communion
18:30 Evensong P
11:00 Parish Communion
11:00 Parish Communion
18:00 Sing Praise
08:00 Holy Communion P
11.00 Family Service
08:00 Holy Communion P
11:00 Footprints
09:30 Parish Communion
18:30 Evensong P
11:00 Parish Communion
08:00 Holy Communion P
11:00 Parish Communion
09:30 Parish Communion t
11:00 Village Service
11:00 Benefice Service
in one of the four churches
P = Book of Common Prayer
t = traditional language variant of Common Worship, Order 1
The venue for Evening Prayer is on a 4-week rotation. Week beginning:
7th October - Erlestoke
14th October - Coulston
21st October - Edington
28th October - Bratton
Evening Prayer
Evening Prayer
Evening Prayer
Evening Prayer
Evening Prayer
We hold a wide variety of services incorporating very different styles of worship.
Please feel free to experiment with which services suit you best.